Summer School

Whether it's summer or winter, this is still the most beautiful and engaging format. The teachers are proactive and the kids learn by doing. The lessons are intertwined with moments of conviviality in which creativity and socialization give rise to unforgettable projects and friendships.

Summer / Winter School

Che sia estate o inverno, questo rimane sempre il format più bello e coinvolgente. I docenti sono propositivi e i ragazzi imparano facendo. Le lezioni si intrecciano a momenti di convivialità in cui creatività e socializzazione fanno nascere progetti ed amicizie indimenticabili.

Whether it's summer or winter, this is still the most beautiful and engaging format. The teachers are proactive and the kids learn by doing. The lessons are intertwined with moments of conviviality in which creativity and socialization give rise to unforgettable projects and friendships.


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