We are a group of professionals, professors, researcher and PhD students that believe culture is a value to share. How do we do it?

  • International Conference
  • Summer School | Winter School
  • Workshop and Cultural Events


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Our Mission
To activate and to communicate research and educational activities in:
environmental design, tourist design, systems design and service design.
Promuovere e diffondere attività di ricerca e didattiche in:
design dell’ambiente, del turismo, dei sistemi e dei servizi
Partners who supported us

We hope that our ideas and those of our friends become a starting point to deepen,

reason and discuss around themes that are dear to culture, Mediterranean or not.

Speriamo che le nostre idee e quelle dei nostri amici diventino spunto per approfondire,
ragionare e discutere attorno a temi cari alla cultura, mediterranea e non.

Federico Picone
Mario Bisson
Responsabile Scientifico
Team work
Web Developer


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